loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory

Lily scratches her head in confusion. Even though the sisters were greatly saddened by having to come to terms that their only brother wasn't coming back, they decided to take this as an opportunity to show Lily glimpses of what her brother was like. Lincoln looks over to see Rita holding Lily. This is my 35th fanfiction. They all got into Vanzilla and drove home. - Lola brags - And we're not giving him his memories back, we're changing him to something different! "Lincoln, I know that I've said and done things to you that seem harsh, but that doesn't mean I despised you." As you see, it's good to keep old stuff so it could remind you about your happy childhood moments like in my case. "GO AWAY!" Lincoln came into Lynn's bed and covered himself with blanket. Why, why does it have to be this way?" "Hey there, sweetie, how are you feeling?" lincoln lynn vs fanfiction loud house wikia enough wiki bullying fandom Before Lincoln could let Lisa speak, he is grabbed from behind and is dragged out into the hall where the other sisters are waiting for him. Luan: Right. They all ran up and the whole siblings were bonding like no other. - Lana said, peeved, LOLA: I was thinking I should dye his hair blond, too. LUAN: No, he's better off with me! The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Lincoln: I wanted to make sure if they were looking for me. LENI: Sorry, sis! I don't want him to hate me. She was about to head back downstairs, but seeing the empty room open sparked her curiosity. Lincoln: Thanks Pop Pop. Luna: I bought you a plane model to assemble. Bun-Bun! Lucy, Lola, Lana, and Lisa were sitting on the couch watching a show at that time, when Lily scampered into the room. LINCOLN: Sure. (Luna climb up her bunk bed and prepare to stage dive), (Luna stage dives from her bed, Leni tackles Luna to make sure Lincoln is safe, Leni hears Lily crying, she went into Lisa and Lily's room and pick her up). - Lincoln said, LENI: C'mon, you can do it! Come here. Mature. Lori screams in agony before clawing Lynn's face with her fingernails. Lincoln quiets her down with a hug. "No problem, Luce," replies Lincoln. Lincoln and Luna began assembling puzzles. - Luan says. LISA: Amnesia is a partial or total loss of memory. Pop Pop: Wake up sleepyhead, time to eat breakfast! You can assemble it again. Lincoln ultimately died with his loved ones around him. Lincoln lays back in his bed, his chest exhaling in a wheezy fashion. His father explains that when Lynn was nearing the end of the game, he suffered a major heart attack, causing him to hit his head on the railing. - Lincoln said, holding his head, (Lincoln walk to his door and a bucket of water fell on Lincoln, drenching him), (The bucket ends up falling from the ceiling, hitting Lincoln in the head), LINCOLN: Not again. Then they made a gentle wrestling, giggling. Untilthey Lincoln was almost killed by his sisters but someone rescued him and made him the leader of the phantoms. She latches onto Lincoln for comfort of which he responds by weakly wrapping his arms around her for an embrace. Where is he?" WebClyde reminisces on the misadventures he and Lincoln engaged in, Ronnie Anne talked about how she used to tease him a lot, Grouse remembered when Lincoln's action figure - Leni said - I took you to a water park when you were younger, you were feeling down. Listen I got a plan. "Who's gonna play Princess Makeover with me?" Rita: Don't worry. Lincoln: Guess I can't read my comics. you're not getting your phone back! After hearing you guys were searching for me, I had to come back. With a long-lost member, How will the Loud Family react to this sudden revelation? We then thought we saw a ghost and started freaking out, but it turned out to be my walkie - talkie I use with Clyde. We paint nails, use lipsticks, Luna: You just teach him how to be a girl! LENI: Yeah, you do. - Leni chastises - We're getting Lincoln his memories back! - Leni scolded. Change clothes and I'll bathe those two kids. [he hugged Lynn] I wove you. I guess I'll have to read my comics, Lincoln entered his room and found his comics missing, Lincoln left his room to only see Lana and Lola sword fighting with them. Lori: In the last months I was literally an awful sister. The story is a retelling of the 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog film, LENI: Alright, Linc. Chainsmoking your Love by CartoonFF. Lincoln was happy to be back home and to see his sisters happy. Commentary is acceptable, (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. "I believe that it's best for you all to start saying your goodbyes." Please.please grab my hand." 9 parts. She dips Lily from off the floor and hugs her deeply. WHY COULDN'T YOU DO YOUR INVENTION ON SOMETHING ELSE! He seemed to faintly remember feeling After their last race was ended with a draw Lynn stood up. "I'm not sure about that anymore." Eventually, the family opted to cremate Lincoln, because they feared that Lisa would try to bring him back through science. He loved you so much and would've loved to spend time with you.". English. Because of this, Lynn declares Oh, I forgot you can't read yet. Luna: We had a fight with Lincoln last night and he ran away. He's your baby brother so you need to protect him and take care of him when I am not around him. Unfortunately, their fighting causes Lincoln to trip and falling down the stairs, knocking him out again, much to everyone's horror and stop Lola and Leni from fighting), SISTERS: LINCOLN! And then it happened. It reads: (in Lincoln's voice) Dear Loud Sisters, As you may be aware, we had that fight last night that left me heartbroken. Lincoln: [to the audience] When I clean the attic I can find lot of old things that bring back sweet childhood memories. Rita: You used to do exacly the same just like all your sisters. Lynn: After I return we can play Bun-Bun, ok? - Lana said - Now you eat them. I am the only child. The more, the merrier. LINCOLN: Uh, what happened? This is the same. Keep your distance. Even though it was only a few years after Lincoln's death, the family didn't seem as energetic as they used to be prior to the devastating experience. (It shows an exterior of Lincoln room when he is walking out of his room and heading downstairs; Suddenly, a baseball hit Lincoln in the head) Rats are dangerous! "No, I deserved it. [she grabbed Bun-Bun and tried to take it from Lincoln], Lincoln: Hey! Come, I'll show you how boys play. [he gently hugged her]. This is Daisy. [he grabbed his model but accidentally dropped it] Waah! Lynn; Here, little bro. About Us; Our Animals. Lincoln began winning. [she painted her mouth]. Lori storms over to Lori like a whirlwind. I always thought you guys would actually like it if I helped you out, even taking the risk of doing something to cheer you guys up, but apparently not. Lynn: Because when you think helping out is a smart thing, it's actually making a fool out of yourself! Lincoln: Fine! WebLincoln: [in his head] Mom said Lucy is afraid of me more than I of her. Lynn: What shall I do? The screen showed three young girls Luna (age 8), Luan (age 7), and Lynn Jr. (age 6) all huddled together watching television. Look at mine. [he hugged Luan in fear] Go! We're searching for him right now. He doesn't answer and after a few knocks, they decide to go in to only find nothing. Lincoln's body lied peacefully in its bed, having all of the color drained from it. Don't see this as a mistake, see this as an opportunity." - Lincoln said - Who else you think I was talking about (Lincoln took a sip of water and he look around the house and his sisters). Lisa removes her glasses momentarily to wipe away at the tears. - Lincoln ask. WebLincoln's Farewell. Holland Lop Bunnies He had suffered Lily walks over to the bed, and she sees a cute stuffed rabbit sitting on the bed sheets. A great silence engulfed the room as the sisters tried to process the situation. Later they played in this race again. - Lynn said excitedly, LINCOLN: How do you hold a bat again? Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. - Lincoln said. His biggest fear came true, all of his sisters turning on him. - Leni barks, (Everyone, sans Lori, run back into the house), LORI: Leni, I'm literally one year older than you, so you can.. - Lori says, (Terrified, Lori runs into the house; In Lori and Leni's room, Leni is pacing around angrily, while the others are in there, worried). Lincoln: Really? He leaves his room and makes it down the hall and hears Lori talking to Bobby. The doctor allowed the sisters some time to grieve before they hall Lincoln's body off. Lincoln: NO don't! "Dad, I'm sorry that this had to happen." A few months ago, Lincoln had discovered that Lucy secretly read girly books, and he took the blame for her despite knowing that he would be punished. "That's nice, sister unit," replies Lisa in her usual monotone. - Lisa yelled - I won't have a better opportunity for my willing test subject, ee, I mean assistant. Lincoln's funeral was a rather simple one. Lori: (low voice) I know we just lost our brother, but that doesn't mean we can't find him. Lori: When will you learn to mind your own business?! It took Lori's attention. Luna: When we were all fighting, you thought you were being smart by helping us out but you actually made things worse! "Girls, girls, we talked about this," drones a tireless Rita. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage, Major Character Death. Luan: [she grabbed his arm] No, don't touch it! [she showed lipstick], Leni: We use it like this. Lana: And thanks to your big mouth, we started fighting again! *Lincoln kisses his baby sister on the forehead, making her giggle even more.*. - Leni told her siblings, LORI: We don't want the old Lincoln, we can mold him into a new brother. - Lynn called, (Leni runs outside to the front yard, she see's Lynn with a bat and helmet with Lincoln wearing a glove), LENI: Lynn, what are you doing?! Back then she was much less agressive and I really loved to play with her. And what if he has met his great love before but forgot it? Go! Lincoln remembers old times when he was the youngest sibling. (Leni notices Lincoln is missing again; In Lynn and Lucy's room, she and Lincoln are writing poems), LINCOLN: Writing poems is fun. Rita: Babies cry when they are hungry, feel cold, insecure or simply want to hug them. Lily nods. - Lincoln said gratefully, (The two hugged each other, then Leni kissed him on the cheek), LORI, LUNA, LUAN, LYNN, LUCY, LANA, LOLA, LISA, LILY: Awwwwww! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lori: Mom, just look! Lincoln found an old book and then suddenly he heard Lily's cryings. I'm actually going to miss doing your laundry.". "Truth is, despite everything, I actually liked you, twerp." I guess i'll just use my phone. "Hehe," Lana began before warm tears overtook her. Lynn: Lincoln doesn't want to play with me after I destroyed that stupid bunny. I know you've been through a lot and you didn't deserve what you got last night. Lori: What's so great in him? Luan was mainly playing her hand puppet. Lily's jaw drops in surprise. He began getting bored when Leni came into his room. Irritated, he goes into Lori's room. [she grabbed Lincoln and hugged him]. - Lincoln said - I never knew giving flowers to some girl I like works. I thought all boys are stupid because of those in school. - Lincoln said, (Leni walks in and take Lincoln with her), (Leni notices Lincoln is missing; She hears Lisa laughing maniacally and hooked Lincoln up to a machine as a test subject, she runs into Lisa and Lily's room), LINCOLN: (panicked) HELP ME!! After Lincoln said that, they all started attacking him. Luna came to Lincoln and was shocked. Lily quietly waltzed into the room, and was fascinated by what it held. I know it'll take some time to get over it, but we'll fine a way. - Lisa said - I need to run a couple of tests on him. You're so lovable. WebLincoln's Amnesia By: Yugo Akiba Tokusatsu. LENI: Wait! It was an accident. -Lincoln Loud. Lincoln, come with me! Despite being reluctant to even glance at Lincoln's body, Lynn with the help of her sisters musters up enough courage to lay her eyes on her brother's lifeless body. Lynn refused to budge. - Leni protested - Right, Lynn? It took him a while but he finally made it. Later in sandbox she thought him how to build sand castles. OK, so this fanfic was actually written in response to Requiem for a Loud by UnderattedHero (https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4192724/UnderratedHero). His sisters eyes were filled with tears as they saw the life slowly drain out of his eyes. Fine. I can saw Bun-Bun! - Leni said happily, LUNA: Your memories has returned! - Leni said eagerly, (Leni then notices Lincoln is gone again), (In Luna and Luan's room, Lincoln is sitting on the floor, is watching Luan juggling bowling pins on a unicycle, she falls), LINCOLN: (laughs) That funny! He had tried to lessen the severity of his passing with his family, but even now, his family was falling apart. "Who's gonna watch me roll in the mud," bemoans Lana. We make our cars go and one that qoes further wins. Lynn: I can't sing like you and Leni already fixed this bunny. Web2009 Loud House. Luan: Well, it's something she needs to do because it's important. Not even one had my back. It would be easier. If it wasn't for me, Lincoln wouldn't be gonewhy couldn't I have died at birth?". Lincoln: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?! The Planet Eater had absorbed the last Cosmic Stone of Power. - the meaner sisters in agreement, (Everyone is having a furious argument of if they should changed Lincoln into something different or to restore Lincoln his memories back). Lynn Sr.:That was kind of you, Leni. Even Mr. Grouse, the resident grouch of Royal Woods, took time to pay his condolences to the grieving family. But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav What if Lincoln was a worldwalker? - Lincoln said, (A soccer ball was bouncing around the house, it hits Lincoln in the head, making him fall), LENI: Linky, are you alright? WebLincoln's Amnesia By: Yugo Akiba Tokusatsu. "Rroom?" Once Lincoln said this, he burst into tears and ran into Pop Pop's arms. Luan and Luna: Don't be thinking you can start a group hug without us! Lily: *giggling* Poo-Poo. Pop Pop: Sorry kids, I haven't seen him since last month. Leni: A kind boy like you shall not play alone. - Lori protested, (Leni gasps in complete shock of what Lori said). "So?" Lincoln enters his room once again and as he expected, it's gone. Luna: Here is instruction. No one in her family, barring Pop Pop, had white hair. Lincoln asks despairingly. LENI: True, little bro, but you always stay in here. - Luan protested - At least someone love my jokes! Luan: It's a rat, Lincoln. Soon, all of the sisters were crying, but they were tears of joy as memories of Lincoln poured out from them. LENI: Only, Dad love your jokes, Luan! Web1.1K Stories. - Lincoln said - I remembered. LANA: It's true. Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. LUNA: I can use a new roadie and a new guitarist! Luna: I sang a song for him and Lori restored his drawing. Right before he closed his eyes for the final time, he saw some familiar boy looking at him with an expression of happiness. Lynn: True, it's so warm. WebA Loud To Stay is a The Loud House One Shot fanfic by Undying Spirit, though the original story idea came from AnonSama. Lori once told me about how mom took her and me to park. WebBack at the Loud House, with everyone asleep, the phone rang, and Rita went go answer" Hello " she said in a tired voice. , his chest exhaling in a wheezy fashion her usual monotone him into a brother... Hears lori talking to Bobby yelled - I wo n't have a better loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory. Were crying, but we 'll fine a way at him with an expression happiness! Like works Personal Information you got last night and he ran away way... From AnonSama Lily quietly waltzed into the room, and was fascinated by it... 'S gon na play Princess Makeover with me all your sisters hall and lori. Birth? `` family, but you always stay in here from off the floor and hugs deeply! Giving flowers to some girl I like works the Planet Eater had absorbed the months. 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